Sunday, June 24, 2012

YUM 'Abuse of Service' for RHN

When trying to execute yum or up2date it fails with "Error Class Code: 49". How can we fix it ?
When running up2date or yum, a message tells me that my RHN account has been disabled for 'Abuse of Service'. What can I do ?

To avoid this, we need to ensure that there are no combinations of Red Hat Update Agent polls and cron jobs that access Red Hat Network with greater frequency than once every hour. In the event that a machine has been blocked due to a detected abuse of service, it can be re-enabled by two ways :
Wait till "Tomorrow" so that the system would be unblocked and should be allowed more checkins without being rejected.
Login the Red Hat Network web interface, delete the existing system profile, and re-register the system. To register the system, run either up2date --register (for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4 machine) or rhn_register (for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, 3, 4, or 5 machine) on the machine as root user in order to recreate system profile.

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